Refrigerated Countertop Case – TCTD
Refrigerated Countertop Case
Standard features
- Compressor (built in)
- Static cooling
- External housing (zinc coated plate, powder painted), finish color white
- Ecological polyurethane foam insulation
- Display area (stainless sheet)
- Worktop – stainless plate, insulated
- Aluminium sections color – silver or gold
- Front base straight or slanted
- Curved movable front glass
- Night blinds
- Interior LED lighting
- Condenser outlet to container
- Electronic controller with digital temperature gauge
- External housing made of stainless plate
- Finish color optional
- Front glass straight
- Glass exposition shelf
- Movable glass partition
*All equipment designed to operate in controlled environment below 75°F (+24°C) temperature and HR 55% relative humidity.
**All measurements are approximates
*** Specifications are subject to change without notice